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My name was Fernina, but everyone called me Little Fern. I was a 21 year-old registered Arab and I had a very sweet disposition. I had founder and after each recurrence, it took longer for me to get better. JAMES tried so hard to help me walk without pain and they hoped someday that I would be able to run again like my stallmates. I tried my best too - to stand at feeding time and when they offered snacks, but my feet and legs hurt so bad that pretty soon all I could do was lay down in my stall. It was not a dignified existence for a beautiful horse like me.

Everyone was sad the day I left - but I'm whole again, I can run the way I did when I was young.......and I'm here, waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Jack Auchterlonie Memorial Equine Sanctuary (JAMES)
576 Longview Road - Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
(760) 362-1357

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